When you think of vision health, the first thing in mind is a carrot. After all, they are heavily associated with healthy eyes and vision! That’s because carrots contain beta-carotene, a second type of vitamin A deriving from plants. The other type of vitamin A is called retinoids, which come from animal products.
Vitamin A is critical for better vision, but it’s more than just that. It can also help with cell growth and a healthy immune system. You can take in enough vitamin A from your diet or, if necessary, supplements from brands like Thorne Research in Supplement First. Let’s take a look at the benefits this vitamin offers.
Eye Benefits Vitamin A Offers
Vitamin A helps protect our cornea, the surface of our eyes. Because of that, it’s necessary for good vision. Moreover, vitamin A drops have been known to be effective to treat dry eyes and a specific eye inflammation known as superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis.
When combined with other antioxidant vitamins, vitamin A can play a crucial role in decreasing macular degeneration. Those diagnosed with mild or moderate AMD and took daily multivitamins including vitamins A, C, E, zinc, and copper had a 25% reduced risk of advanced AMD throughout a six-year period.
A combination of lutein and vitamin A may also prolong vision in those diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa. A study by the Harvard Medical School discovered that those with retinitis pigmentosa taking daily supplements of lutein and vitamin A experienced a slower peripheral vision loss compared to those who went without supplements from stores like Supplement First.
Vitamin A Deficiencies
Fortunately, vitamin A deficiencies are rare in the USA, though it’s common among developing countries. There are about 250,000 to 500,000 malnourished children worldwide that become blind yearly because of vitamin A deficiencies that was preventable through a healthy diet.
One of the usual first signs of a vitamin A deficiency is night blindness. Back then, in Egypt, people discovered that eating liver may help cure night blindness. And you guessed it, liver is a good source of vitamin A!
Moreover, lacking in vitamin A may cause the cornea to become extremely dry, resulting in clouding in front of your eye, along with corneal ulcers and vision loss. It may also cause retina damage, another contributor to blindness.
It isn’t just vision health! Vitamin A is crucial for a health immune system and resistance to infection, and a lack of it may lead to infections or respiratory issues.
How Much Vitamin A Do You Need?
The daily recommended allowance for vitamin A is 5,000 IU, which you may get from diet and supplements, if needed. You must consult with your doctor before taking any vitamin A supplements, as too much of the nutrient may cause vitamin A toxicity.
Long-term toxicity may cause birth defects, liver abnormalities, central nervous system disorders, and reduced bone mineral density.
Wrapping It Up
Make sure you consult with your doctor before taking any vitamin A supplements!