
The Development of Incontinence Products in Helping the Care Sector

There has been an explosion in the care sector over he course of the last few decades in the UK. With this has come a need to understand many different physical and mental issues and the ways in which residents of care home can be furnished with the care that they need and that they deserve. One area of importance is the issue of incontinence and the way in which this is treated and managed. Many residents in a care home setting will have some issues with incontinence, whether this is faecal incontinence, urinary incontinence, or indeed both. What this can lead to is health and hygiene problems on top of everyday discomfort and issues of pride and happiness with the quality of life. Choosing the right type of incontinence product is therefore an important part of the care sector, and this has developed significantly over time (and in a very positive way).

There are a few medical conditions that are associated with incontinence. These include infection, where fungal infection can be caused in areas where the skin is red and moist, diabetes, oestrogen deficiency, and neurological disorders such as a stroke or multiple sclerosis. Although incontinence of both the urinary and faecal kind are most commonly found in elderly people who are in a care setting, it is also found in younger people who have suffered injury or illness of myriad varieties.

There are also psychological conditions, such as anxiety and depression, learning disabilities and other types of mental health issues that can lead to, or exacerbate, incontinence. These issues can have a massive impact on the day-to-day lives of those suffering, making it difficult to work or socialise, to undertake ‘normal’ everyday tasks.

The management of incontinence has improved dramatically over time. Alongside the medical treatments and physical therapy that can help a person in some cases, there are also incontinence products that help manage the day-to-day impact of incontinence.  Incontinence bed sheets ensure that a person can sleep soundly at night, knowing that the sheets will be easily replaced the next day and that their urine will be absorbed and not cause discomfort and irritancy on the skin. Incontinence pads and pants of various shapes, sizes and levels of absorbency are also heavily used within care settings, allowing some form of social activities to be achievable without the need for a person to remain in bed (where incontinence is at its worst).

The care sector is an important part of our country. With the elderly population growing in the UK, and many older people ending up in care homes, it is only natural that there is a focus on how to improve the management of issues such as incontinence in an area where a large proportion of people will suffer with it in some way. There are always underlying problems to those suffering with incontinence, but the way in which incontinence products and the science behind them have improved in recent years, means that we are in a much better position to manage these problems on a daily basis in the most effective manner. That way, those suffering with incontinence can remain active (where possible) and maintain good levels of hygiene and health. A good supplier of incontinence pads is therefore integral to a successful care home.

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